What is Back Story of Elbaf ? the home of the Giants the territory of the most important Emperor and one of the last Islands on the grand line what kind of secrets are waiting for us in the land of Elbaf could it be stories about the Sun God could it be the third and final ancient weapon could it be knowledge of the Void Century my answer to all three is yes yes and yes it is my belief that all of this can be discovered in the land of giants that they are hiding remnants of the Void Century within their own history and oral traditions and it’s there that the
What is Back Story of Elbaf ?
What is the story of Elbaf?
story will finally begin to come together on our last stop before we head to laugh tale could elb be the key to truly understanding the sun god NAA welcome to the hidden island and today we are going to take a look behind us all the way back at little garden to try and answer some of these [Music] questions [Music] speee [Music] [Applause] [Music]
What is the mythology of Elbaf?
the Giants of Elbaf are one of the oldest cultures remaining in the world of One Piece each individual giant can live for hundreds of years and their Warrior culture traces back to long before the void Century Oda roduced these guys to us on an island Full of Dinosaurs it’s not a stretch to say that if any race of people in this story were able to preserve the history of the ancient Kingdom better than the others it would be the Giants and I don’t even like football it’s no coincidence that Oda is
Why is Elbaf so important?
saving our trip to Elbaf for the very end of the adventure so close to the end that we even got to meet Vega Punk and see the goray transform before we even get any lines of dialogue out of Loki it’s also no coincidence that Shanks the same person who set Luffy off on his Adventure the same person who was in possession of the naika fruit made his territory on this very same island so why might that be could it be that the Giants and their ancient culture hold some of the greatest answers we have yet to hear I think so even though he didn’t
Elbaf Sanji New Power
have the entire story planned out back then I think Oda has been keeping elbaff in the pocket for decades now waiting for the perfect opportunity to use a location of this magnitude even from the beginning he was dropping little nuggets of information through the cryptic wording of Dori and bragi but more importantly they and the rest of the Giants regularly reference Nordic Vikings culture and mythology you guys know this already but we have to retread this topic if the rest is going to make any sense so why is this important let’s
turn to an interview that Oda did with viz back in 2012 question the world of One Piece has many different kinds of pirates with unique Styles how and when did you first think of the idea to write a manga about Pirates answer ever since I was little I liked Pirates as a child I really liked an anime series called Vicki the little Viking it was about a little kid who admires Vikings and his dream is to become one of them when he grows up as I did research on pirates for one piece I realized that Vikings are a type of pirate I feel that it’s
awesome to have friends on your team just like in the Vicki series it may not be the best comparison but I feel like that series spirit is carried on within my work and oh how true that was since then Oda has made a few nods to the series the most obvious one being this little Viking character who looks like od’s version of Vicki showing up in chapter 1076 begging Shanks to take him out to sea just like Luffy once did and apart from that he’s right Vikings are some of the oldest examples of pirates that we can find in history Boats were
Central to their culture and a lot of their warriors were responsible for setting out on ships to raid Villages along the coast of Europe the Giants in one piece may very well be some of the oldest pirates in the story and if it stopped there we wouldn’t have much of a theory to talk about today what makes them so interesting is that Oda has used this Tri tribe of characters to make some very deep references to Nordic mythology at a surface level names like Thor and Loki show up in the story but then you have hodan’s ship the nalar
sharing a name with the Nordic ship of the Dead going even further the Giants being Vikings in the first place is very fitting since a lot of their mythology is centered around the concept of the Yar a race of giants who are constantly at odds with the Norse gods this concept is going to be very important later so make sure to remember it then you have lines like this given to us in the most recent chapter 1111 where Dori and bragi reference swallen a legendary Shield that is said to block the Sun and protect the world from its heat by the
way I’m just going to say right now I’m probably going to mispronounce or butcher a lot of these Nordic terms just bear with me I’m not a viking I’m not Nordic I I I I’m just going to tell you right now I’m not going to do a good job on the pronunciation I think anyway all these references take me back to chapter 129 when Dorian bragi Aid in the straw hats escape from little garden before they do their flashy move and take out the giant goldfish they drop a very curious line only the Great Serpent
One Piece elbaf luffy big Power Up
soaked in blood can withstand our attacks behold the mightiest Spear of we Giants of elb I’ve talked about this plenty of times on the channel before I even made a video about it 2 years back but let me ask again what do you think this Great Serpent soaked in blood could be a reference to I believe they’re saying that the only thing capable of withstanding this attack is the red line itself self and it’s simply referred to as a serpent in giant culture the red line could be seen as a Great Serpent
wrapping around the world if you use your imagination and it definitely shares the color of blood I mean it’s the red line and what do you know such a thing exists in the real Norse Mythos introducing yorman Gander also known as the world serpent a giant snake or sea serpent said to live in the ocean that wraps around the entire world and bites onto its own tail creating a ring it’s actually surprisingly on the nose but even more so than you may at first think the entrance to the red line as seen in
chapter 101 displays these ancient stone arches with depictions of some kind of Sea Beast or serpent carved into them not so unlike the petroglyphs and carvings we have of yand so the question to ask here is who made these carvings and why else would they be at the entrance to the red line if not to symbolize something about it but let’s get back to the mythology Ying Gand holding onto its taale is actually crucial to the balance of the world and when it finally lets go this event will be one of the things that Heralds the
coming of Ragnarok what’s Ragnarok a disappointing video game Ragnarok is the Nordic equivalent to the apocalypse it’s said that when Ragnarok happens the era of the Gods will end and the era of man will begin more specifically the Giants and beasts and Reddit moderators will go to war with the gods many gods will die including Odin and Thor the world will be engulfed in Fire and will then be submerged underwater before a new land will emerge in the aftermath for the surviving humans to repopulate in short
Elbaf Zoro Power Up One Piece
the world serpent breaking its loop around the world will lead to a final war that ends the era of gods let’s try and see how that fits into one piece the red line wraps around the entire world and on top of the red line lives the self-proclaimed Gods the celestial dragons one very old theory has circulated for a while suggesting that Luffy will at some point destroy the red line inadvertently destroying Fish Man Island beneath it and fulfill Charlie’s prophecy destroying the red line would mean destroying the home of the Gods
potentially bringing an end to their Rule and this event would not go uncontested without some kind of final war that would involve emu using the mother flame setting the world on fire and as we know every time the mother flame is used the global water level rises enough uses would likely submerge the world underwater taking it a step further in Norse mythology it’s Thor the god of lightning who fights and kills yoring Gand and in one piece who else could wield the power of lightning uninjured unless they were made of
rubber we’ve already seen Luffy directly beat a lightning god who name drops Thor in his own attacks and later on Luffy harnesses the power of lightning himself during a fight against dot dot dot a giant [ __ ] serpent so is it a reach to say that a lot of this symbolism is intentional that the red line and yand are parallel symbols that the final war and r narok are parallel events and that the Giants who already worshiped Na and befriended Luffy prophesied these events long ago not at all in fact I think this
Elbaf Zoro Power Up One Piece
is all very intentional on od’s part but if you watched my original video none of this would be new to you really so the next thing I want to focus on is taking it a step further I want to see exactly how deep the mythological connections may go can we find any other examples stories or depictions that Oda could have pulled from let’s start with the ancient weapons [Music] before we get into this part of the theory I want to ask you two questions what was the original purpose of the ancient weapons and if Luffy got control
of all three what would he use them for let’s not waste any time I believe that the ancient weapons were designed specifically to destroy the red line I think that during the void Century it was already known that the red line would either be created or used as a base of operations by evil people to rule the world and so the ancient weapons were designed as a contingency plan to destroy the red line and free everybody from tyranny once Joy boy returned and gathered them back together again therefore the world government
How Strong is Loki in Elbaf?
forbids Research into these weapons not because of the danger they pose to the other countries but because of the danger they pose to their regime that’s the big secret the government clearly doesn’t mind them existing as long as they’re the ones in possession of them as we saw when they tried to acquire pluton they just don’t want anyone else to have them and of course by researching the poneglyphs in order to learn about these weapons you’d necessarily also learn about the world government’s history and what the
weapons were designed for which would once again be a direct threat to their power it’s clear that nothing else in the story is capable of destroying such a massive Continental structure and if there’s anything out there that can I’d imagine it’s these weapons of mass destruction but I also don’t think any individual ancient weapon can do the deed I think it requires the combined force of all three Uranus pluton and Poseidon the god of the sky the god of the underworld or in a way the land and
the god of the sea Poseidon is said to be able to sink entire Islands beneath the waves pluton is said to be able to blast Islands away and we don’t even know what Uranus is capable of but the running pattern here is that these weapons can destroy land masses in different ways so what if the true purpose of these is to destroy the largest land mass the red line from three directions one weapon destroys it from underwater another destroys it at sea level and the other destroys it from above pluton is a ship and can’t attack
things at the ocean floor nor can it attack from the sky at least we can guess Poseidon is a mermaid who can control sea Kings restricting her influence only to attacking from the water and not above and Uranus if the name is anything to go by can only attack from the sky not dive beneath the waves individually sure they can be used to destroy Islands but combined now that’s where the magic happens combined they can destroy the single biggest piece of land land in the world the only piece of land that stretches from the
ocean floor to high above the clouds the yman Gand the world serpent the red line itself and like it was told back in Fish Man Island a man will someday arrive to guide the ancient weapons toward their true purpose and I think we can all guess who that man is and now that Luffy is confirmed to be Joy boy and has been predicted to destroy Fish Man Island located directly beneath the red line there aren’t many other ways this story can go I am totally convinced that these weapons of mass destruction were in fact
made to destroy but their act of Destruction when in the right hands wouldn’t be harming the people of the world but freeing them instead funny how a lot of this centers on Fish Man Island when if we go way further back in the story we can find a similar situation in arlong park arlong conquered an Island full of people and built a giant Tower from which he would rule over them he even named this place in reference to sabot park located just in front of the red line part of a location that is basically a hub of slavery and so he
took inspiration from this and turned it around on the humans arlong believed he was better than humans that humans were simply made inferior he viewed them as accessories and as slaves he would have his men collect monetary tribute in exchange for their lives and even took one of their people Nami up to his Tower where she would be forced to work for him as a slave complete with his signature brand on her arm Arlon is the Fishman version of of a Celestial Dragon and when Luffy went up to nami’s room when he saw the prison she had been
subject to as arlong’s slave and when arlong spoke of Nami as a thing to be used how did Luffy react he destroyed everything he destroyed the maps the furniture the walls and eventually brought the entire structure down from top to bottom Luffy destroyed arlong’s miniature version of Maris in the red line so what’s going to happen when Luffy finally sees what’s going on in the marija I think I’ve already made that much clear so how does this all connect to Norse mythology well I think it would be important to answer another
question to make this easier to understand why did the celestial dragons establish their Kingdom on top of the red line why did the lunarians also once considered gods live on top of the red line as well I believe the answer is simple and also something I’ve talked about on this channel before once again the source of devil fruits the tree from which all devil fruits originated resid on top of the red line I think this is the sunlight tree Eve whose roots are said to reach Fish Man Island and provide them with sunlight from the
surface but one problem the eve tree cannot be seen from either side of the red line surely a tree this large with roots that reach this far below with the power to capture and transfer sunlight should be visible somewhere on a map but it isn’t we don’t know where the top of the tree is so let’s make an educated guess Fish Man island is directly below marijua a tree with roots that reach the bottom of the ocean must be very very tall a tree that absorbs so much sunlight must also be exposed to a lot
of sunlight at the top therefore the eve tree very likely stretches from the top of the Holy Land to the Bottom of the Sea and being in such a confidential location such as marija chances are no one has actually had the chance to see where those roots can trace back to but let’s talk about the devil fruit thing why is this the devil fruit tree specifically if it isn’t obvious enough Dev fruits are a reference to the story of Adam and Eve who live in the Garden of Eden a type of paradise where the devil convinces Eve to eat the forbidden
fruit in one piece we have a tree that is named after Eve herself the first one to eat the fruit Eve is also the first woman and only female trees can bear fruit so we see emu hanging out in the chamber of flowers that almost seems like a Miniature Garden of Eden if there are other plants growing in this room who’s to say the eve tree isn’t growing in the back and this is without even me mentioning the sunlight related nature of the tree in connection to the very real sun god na the mortal enemy of the
current gods of the world so to summarize I believe the devil fruit tree is the same tree that provides light to the fishmen at the bottom of the ocean and thus is both the reason Fish Man Island is located where it is as well as why marijua is located where it is I bet you’re still waiting for that Nordic connection and congratulations because I’m about to tell you you made it in Norse mythology they held the belief that the entire world and all the other worlds were part of a giant tree a world tree known as igdrasil igdrasil was
essentially viewed as a tree from which all life in existence was formed a Nordic parallel to the Trees of life and knowledge in the Bible in fact just like how the serpent in the Bible lurked near the tree and tricked Eve to eating the fruit in exchange for eternal life and knowledge the Nordic world tree is also surrounded by yand who as we discussed and we now know was a giant serpent biting its own tail which is also a common ancient symbol known as the uroboros a symbol for eternal life serpents and trees are apparently a
running theme in a lot of religious stories don’t ask me why but it’s said that when Ragnarok begins due inart to the separation of yorman Gander the tree itself will begin to shake and tremble but it doesn’t stop there you see all the different Realms are said to exist on different parts and layers of igdrasil midgard is where us normal humans live the world of humans located about halfway up the tree but if you keep going higher you’ll reach Asgard the highest realm on the Tree closest to the top high up in the mountains where
all the gods live think of it as a Nordic Mount Olympus in fact the gods were said to assemble at idrasil on a daily basis to perform their traditional governing assemblies are you starting to see the connections if you were to remove the red line and expose the tree underneath wouldn’t it look a lot like the largest tree in the world around which everything else exists wouldn’t it seem like a giant tree trapped within a serpentine wall that wraps around the world considering the tree stretches to the bottom of the ocean that would mean
midgard where all the people live all the islands on the surface of the one piece world are located about halfway up if I’m right about the eve tree the holy land of marija is essentially one piece’s version of Asgard the land of the Gods located closest to the top of the world tree far far above the realm of man the location where all the gods assemble and determine how to govern the world and by breaking The Binding of the world serpent in this example the red line the tree would be in Jeopardy War
would ensue the mother flame would set the world Ablaze which would then cause floods to sink the land and ultimately the era of gods will end it’s almost one to one I’m hoping this all makes sense so far believe it or not we still have a little bit more to discuss but before we do if you’re enjoying the this video so far please do me a huge favor and show me your support by subscribing to the channel and leaving a like when Ragnarok does happen I will be barricading the hidden island and using it as a bunker
and uh only my subscribers will be allowed in anyway now that we’ve established igil the world tree and its one piece counterpart I want to talk about where the tree gets its power from because I believe this can answer something about the ancient weapons their locations the world tree is set to draw its power with three roots and from three Wells three gigantic water sources throughout the world where its roots extend they are as follows vargel Mir erar Bruner and mimus Bruner it is from each of these three Wells that the roots
draw water but what makes them interesting are their descriptions locations and how they connect to each of the locations in one piece housing each of the three ancient weapons the first route connects to vargel vargel is the ancient spring from which all rivers flow and all life originally came from it is located furthest down on the world tree in the deepest layer of niflheim located right around here it is a dangerous place being that the waters here are infested with monstrous snakes and dragons now let’s look at one piece
in one piece the ancient weapon Poseidon is located underwater in the deepest part of the world the ocean which as we know is the source of all water and all life towards the bottom of the eve Tree in Fish Man Island which is surrounded by terrifying and lethal sea Kings giant sea serpents that lurk nearby okay kind of a weird connection the second route is connected to mimus Bruner but we’re going to skip that for a second and come back to it the third route is connected to erar Bruner a mystical well located
in the highest layer near the land of gods in Asgard high above the other two and it is at this well that three maidens live known as norns who are said to be able to see the fate of the world and look into the future giving this source of water the reputation of being The Well of Fate these norns peer into the future and are said to weave threads of Destiny and carve runes into the wood based on what they see where is the third ancient weapon pluton located in a country high high above the sea submerged in the water surrounding the
land of wano and what is wano known for could it be maidens who predict and influence the future or could it simply be the fact that wano was the place where poneglyphs were made the people of wano carved the fate of the world into these Stones before they were distributed across the planet they were the ones who wrote these messages on the poneglyphs and as far back as skypia we can see that they even refer to themselves as the ones who weave history quote the wano people essentially served the same function the norns did in Norse
mythology and that also makes two out of the three weapons we know of submerged in water meaning that the third will likely follow suit three weapons underwater three Wells that fuel the tree see where this is going if you don’t believe me listen to this the second route we skipped over before is connected to Mimis Bruner a spring of wisdom located in the middle of the other two in the land of giants yodenheim which lies just outside of midgard halfway up the tree right about here so the first one is here the second
one’s here and the third one is here Odin is said to have taken a drink of the water there but only after having to sacrifice one of his eyes to do so and oh look at that in one piece we have elb the land of giants located at sea level possessing ancient knowledge under the protection of an emperor who has a scar over his eye I would bet my life savings an ancient weapon Uranus is located here and I’m going to guess that this one is also located underwater somewhere on elbaff in the metaphorical third well so
ultimately when all three Wells of the world treat are Disturbed in this example when all three ancient weapons are acquired the world itself will begin to drastically change and the Kingdom built around this tree will be put in great danger is that what big mom meant when she asked whether some of the one pieces located in wano I think Oda chose these locations with some level of intention trying to connect Norse mythology and by extension the Mythos of the oldest Pirates into his own pirate world not directly not literally but
symbolically crafting power pars that he could draw upon so that when we do meet the Giants and they do try to explain their perspective on the history of the world they will do so using their own ancient mythological stories and if they do house the third ancient weapon I’m assuming they’re going to speak of these three locations in much the same way that I have today explaining to their Sun God why they have been protecting such a powerful weapon for all these years they will speak of the red line as
the yand as they already once have the eve tree as the world tree and the coming Final War as an event much like Ragnarok but there’s a final piece of this puzzle that I want to try and answer where does emu fit into all of this [Music] Insanity in the Nordic Mythos before anything really existed in the world it said that there was initially a magical void or gaping Abyss known as gunga Gap I think I’m saying that right and in this void there was eventually a mix of hot and cold out of which venomous water
condensed and from the dripping of this water was born a primeval being a being born from the void known as Emir the ancestor of all Giants and basically one of the first life forms to ever exist if you’ve watched Attack on Titan the name eir is probably familiar to you well in the real story of imir he is born from this mixture and created the Giants and imir is thought to have not been a God but instead a purely evil being along with all his descendants distinguishing imir and the Giants from The Godly
stature of those like balder Thor and Odin before long imir was killed by Odin and his two brothers villy and v a trinity of gods who were meant to symbolize wisdom will and spirit respectively and they took the now dead body of air and used it to create the world get [ __ ] owned emu is a central figure in the void Century emerging from the void in history in which the world government was was born and the new gods were deemed to have created the world emu is by all observations Pure Evil and has lived longer than probably anybody
else in the world right now emu a false god will end up being defeated by NAA a real God manifested through the preservation of wisdom The Power of Will and the transference of spirit all in order to start the world a new so I believe in this case emu is a clever Twist on the story of imir does that make emu the ancestor of all giants like yir was I don’t think so like I said I don’t think all of this will be a straight copy of Nordic mythology the Goro for example are named after the Roman Pantheon not the Nordic one and
all their Transformations are Japanese yo-kai so I think Odo will definitely play around with the elements mixing and matching the Mythos to make it work within the context of his world but the heavy influence of Vikings and Nordic creation myth on his story is undeniable so if I had to guess I think it’s more likely that rather than Giants emu is the ancestor of all demons that all the Goro with all their monstrous forms included came from emu’s powers and evil disposition and these demons are posing
as Gods still living in the garden of paradise taking the dreams of men hostage and ruling over them for centuries false rulers who need to be defeated by the Giants by the humans by the creatures of the sea much like in Ragnarok before the balance of the world can finally be restored so that a new era one without Gods can emerge and man and Fish Man and giant and mink and dwarf alike can live freely Under the Sun but that’s just a theory a game theory at the end of the day we’ll just have to wait and see what the warrior
land of elath truly has in store for us thank you for stopping by the hidden island to me all this stuff is just for fun but at the same time I got to say I really enjoy researching ancient cultures like this even if it’s through the context of a manga I don’t think all of this will pan out the exact way I laid out but the reality is we got to appreciate even being able to make theories at this point there aren’t many big Mysteries left to take a crack at now that the story is coming to a close so hopefully this was an enjoyable ride
for all you guys watching if you enjoyed the video today please like And subscribe to keep the music alive and let me know your thoughts in the comments below thanks again for watching the show because I sure enjoyed putting it on until next time have a great day a good night and a wonderful romance Dawn [Music] n [Music] oh